3 A.M. Train


As the train engine sounds
he hides under his covers
fighting off insomnia
and the inability to dream.

In his reality,
he dreams of boarding the train,
chasing his dreams along the tracks.

parallel and narrow,
long and direct
with many stops in the way;
he can’t wait.

He needs to know if it’s worth it,
if he will ever find his true worth,
and his reason for existence.

He lays
night after night:

waiting for 3 A.M.,
waiting for the train,
waiting for the chance

to turn his insomnia
into dreams of reality

11 thoughts on “3 A.M. Train

  1. Hi Vinny,
    Your poem touched my heart…you’re very talented and inspired, i love every one of your writings! Reading your blog is like discovering a magic beautiful world inside, a place where you, the artist of words (almost like a magician) are reaching to some deep feelings and emotions…feelings i thought forever forgotten. Because i know how it feels to chase your dreams deep inside your mind, counting hours in the sleepless nights…
    I know it takes a beautiful and strong heart to write like you do and i just wanted to tell you how fascinated i felt by your poetry…
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for liking my latest post! I’m honored and i appreciate it a lot!


    1. Thank you for taking the time to write all of that. It’s an amazing feeling knowing that my writing has touched others and I really do appreciate the kind words


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